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Why is mutual mate choice not the norm? Operational sex ratios, sex roles and the evolution of sexually dimorphic and monomorphic signalling.




Biases in the operational sex ratio (OSR) are seen as the fundamental reason behind differential competition for mates in the two sexes, and as a strong determinant behind differences in choosiness. This view has been challenged by Kokko and Monaghan, who argue that sex-specific parental investment, mortalities, mate-encounter rates and quality variation determine the mating system in a way that is not reducible to the OSR. We develop a game-theoretic model of choosiness, signalling and parental care, to examine (i) whether the results of Kokko and Monaghan remain robust when its simplifying assumptions are relaxed, (ii) how parental care coevolves with mating strategies and the OSR and (iii) why mutual mate choice is observed relatively rarely even when both sexes vary in quality. We find qualitative agreement with the simpler approach: parental investment is the primary determinant of sex roles instead of the OSR, and factors promoting choosiness are high species-specific mate-encounter rate, high sex-specific mate-encounter rate, high cost of breeding (parental investment), low cost of mate searching and highly variable quality of the opposite sex. The coevolution of parental care and mating strategies hinders mutual mate choice if one parent can compensate for reduced care by the other, but promotes it if offspring survival depends greatly on biparental care. We argue that the relative rarity of mutual mate choice is not due to biases in the OSR. Instead, we describe processes by which sexual strategies tend to diverge. This divergence is prevented, and mutual mate choice maintained, if synergistic benefits of biparental care render parental investment both high and not too different in the two sexes.
机译:作业性别比(OSR)的偏差被视为两种性别伴侣之间竞争差异的根本原因,也是选择力差异背后的重要决定因素。这种观点遭到了Kokko和Monaghan的挑战,他们认为,针对性别的父母投资,死亡率,相遇率和质量变异决定了OSR无法还原的方式。我们建立了选择,信号和父母照料的博弈论模型,以研究(i)在简化假设简化的情况下,Kokko和Monaghan的结果是否仍然稳健,(ii)父母照料如何与交配策略和OSR共同发展。 (iii)为什么即使男女两性在质量上也有所不同,却很少观察到相互择偶的情况。我们发现使用简单方法的定性一致:父母投资是性别角色而非OSR的主要决定因素,促进选择的因素是特定物种的伴侣遭遇率高,特定性别的伴侣遭遇率高,育种成本高(父母投资),寻找伴侣的费用低廉以及异性的性格变化很大。如果一位父母可以弥补另一位父母减少的照料,父母照料和交配策略的共同发展会阻碍彼此的伴侣选择,但是如果后代的生存很大程度上取决于双亲照料,则会促进这种选择。我们认为,相互择偶的相对稀少不是由于OSR中的偏见所致。取而代之的是,我们描述了性策略趋向于不同的过程。如果双亲照顾的协同效益使父母的投资既高又在两性上没有太大差异,则可以防止这种分歧并保持相互选择。



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